So I sent my image off to Netdevil and got a not-so-favorable e-mail back. In the e-mail, the director sent me one of my own fashion images (from my website) and sa

id "I'd love to see a mini-fig done like this..." I laughed, and sent him the earliest version of Ninj-o (left), which I considered "not working," when I embarked on the Mike Rayhawk journey. I got a quite-favorable e-mail back, saying that they like this one MUCH better and it's more my style, and to just add more mini-figs and bricks in the background. So...it really isn't as hard as all that. I really do get to draw things the way I want to and like to draw them, and that really IS what they WANT (eek! I hope this is what they want!) AH! So, here's the latest, greatest lego rendition :-). --L