Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Costume Sketch

Here's another costume sketch for my Polish noble dress. I acquired my fabrics, which ended up to be nothing at all like what I thought. Now the dress is a chocolate brown damask jacquard, very thin in weight so it will pass for silk. The accent fabric is a dark turquoise damask jacquard (and three time the price of the 10 yards of the chocolate), and I will use it for the sleeves, slashing, and piping here and there. I usually only get 7 yards of whatever fabric I'm making a dress out of, and often have plenty left over, so with 10 yards, I should be able to easily make two bodices, several pairs of sleeves, and a couple hats (plus the skirt). I have two yards of the turquoise, but at 60 inches wide, I should have plenty to play around with for sleeves, and maybe a corset. So here's a costume sketch that's much closer to what I'll end up making. I need to explore more sleeve options, since there are so many different and cool things one can do :-).