Friday, August 25, 2006

Back From the Ranch...

So let's see if Blogger will let me post anything now. I haven't been able to in the last few days. I had a whole little schpiel worked out for you guys, and everything, but I keep getting booted, so hopefully this time, this ONE TIME, I will be successful.

So I spent a week out at the Box R Ranch, in Wyoming, riding horses and drawing (what's new, save the location?). I have to apologize for the not-so-great scans of these sketches: they're all in a wee book that doesn't lay flatly when I scan, so as a result I've had to crop and clean up and sharpen here and there, and frankly it doesn't thrill me, but it gives me SOMETHING to show. So here are a few this and thats, horse rears and whatnots...hope you enjoy :-) --L