Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bits and Pieces...

Here's a cross-section (that means the okay-looking stuff) of what I did over Christmas. Not much, I know! The first is my fav...an earth-mother-winter-Christmas-queen woman. I've been doing lots of draped ladies, so I decided to do a drapery study: behold, a throw blanket on a chair. The last I doodled after seeing the Whistler exhibit at the Nevada Museum of Art. It was mostly Whistler's engraving sketches, and a whole lot of stuff that looked unfinished (the collection was bequethed [sp?] to a Scottish University upon Whistler's demise...which means the art is stuff that did not sell or was unfinished, which seemed to very much be the case with the oil paintings, although the engravings were delightful.) I suppose this sketch (of mine) has a good bit of Dickens Faire inspiration too...I think she looks very, well, period :-). Enjoy the mishmash...--L

P.S. Here is evidence of my joining THE DARK SIDE! AAAH!