Saturday, June 02, 2007

Today's Goodies

One day, two "finished" drawings. The samurai could be better, I know, but I was experimenting and like the results of the paint (it's the pose that's not great) I REALLY needed some color stuff for the new section of my website, "Game Art", which I put up for potential employers from places like Cryptic Studios, to which I applied online today.

I did another fashion illustration, too, though this one is less "fashionable," and more just my kind of thing to draw. I got some old Sears catalog plates of sewing machines, tubas, tables, corset advertisements, etc., and think they'll be great to incorporate in. I tried out a flat pattern technique on the kimono...that's actually part of the beautiful pattern on my own kimono.

I'm glad people are diggin' these lil' fashion plates...I hope the magazines dig them too, and commission me :-). Two more and I'm about ready to have my cards printed...thou shalt be updated as it all progresses. --Lauren