Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jump & Push

Avi is sick today, and I'm really worried about her. I made a couple half-hearted doodles of her with a thermometer in her mouth and an ice pack on her head, but it didn't fit with the whole series. These drawings are about Avi as she really is, not as a character doing or experiencing human things. I decided instead to celebrate her liveliness with an illustration of her favorite game: "JUMP & PUSH."

The game consists of Avi leaping through the air, growling ferociously, while Josh gently deflects her away from his body. This is great fun. She jumps; Josh pushes. Happy growly joyousness ensues. Occassionally, because Avi has bad agility and paw-eye coordination, she will flop back to the ground on her side or her back, at which point the game is over. She doesn't hurt herself, but we the hunams get all concerned and pick her up and pet her and snuggle her...chances are she'd much rather play some more Jump & Push!